Theatre Suppers 2025

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We will be presenting two one act plays around a hot, served, two course meal on February the 14th and 15th 2025.

Our two plays are Baggage and Knock and Wait.

Baggage by Bev Clark is about two ladies. One a bag lady and the other a busy, put-upon housewife.

Our busy put-upon housewife is doing her Christmas shopping. She is loaded with bags and waiting for the bus. Exhausted and stressed she faints on the bench and when she wakes a bag-lady is leaning over her. Convinced she is being robbed, Sandra turns on her but then realises the scruffy woman was only trying to help.

Over a packet of chocolate biscuits, the two women start to talk …… Join us to find out how our harrassed housewife and the bag lady find an unexpected common ground.

Knock and Wait by John O’Brien is a comedy set in a busy school staffroom. Head teacher of Lloyd George Juniors Clive is keen to attract wealthy upwardly mobile parents and their little offspring to his school and will do anything to persuade them!

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