Boots on time troops! As we would say to our canine friends “walkies!” All welcome!
A new date for this walk will be announced when we hope that the weather will be a wee bit more settled.
So, Plan A is for two walks, one longer than the other so that we can hopefully include all abilities. We would like this to become a regular Woodford Players feature so the first walk will be easy stuff, on the flat, starting here in Woodford and ending up where we began. We’d love to hear your ideas for various walks, short ones, longer ones, tricky uphill and down dale ones, pootling along the canal ones, let’s put them all in a pot and get walking, it’s sociable, gets us out and about, costs nothing (aside of lunch or whatever) and it helps to keep us healthy – a win win!
The longer walk will set off at the Community Centre and make it’s way alongside the A555 (sorry about that) and then across Woodford Road Poynton, along the track and field to Vicarage Lane, around Poynton Pool and back in to Woodford Road Poynton and then up Chester Road back into Woodford. Jude, who is organising the walks can do this walk in under 2 hours but readily admits that that’s doing it on her own or with one other and at a reasonable pace (she doen’t hang about!) so realistically this one would probably be approx 2hrs and the shorter one would be about 50 minutes. We can easily organise an even shorter one if it’s felt necessary.
The shorter route will also start from the Community Centre and then proceed down Moor lane to the bridge over the A555, then right along the track to Woodford Rec and back in along Woodford Road Bramhall.
We will publish more definite distances, times and lunch details shortly, so watch this space!
We look forward to seeing you.